lunedì 20 giugno 2016

Lifeless, Polpette Italiane

Strano nome per chiamare una patch. Gli sviluppatori di Lifeless, nuovo survival zombie pubblicato da Green Man Gaming, hanno chiamato il recente aggiornamento "polpette italiane".
Che qualcuno abbia la nonna di origini italiane? Che siano stati stregati dalla bontà del cibo nostrano?
Certo è che se si facessero gli MMO come cucinano gli italiani forse avremmo tutti dei gran giochi da divorare fino all'osso, ed invece...
Tornando alla patch, quest'ultima si concentra principalmente sull'aumento di FPS e sulla loro gestione visto che diversi giocatori hanno segnalato dei cali vistosi. Voi l'avete provato?
Le patch notes le trovate di seguito:

Main Changes

Frame Rate Improvement 
The game should run a lot smoother now, we put in a lot of optimisations that should help most people run the game much smoother. Reported framerate improvements for most people have been from roughly 15-20 FPS before this patch, to 55-60 in most cases. 

A good tip for extra frames is running the game in normal fullscreen instead of windowed mode. 

Joining Issues 
This issue has been a big one. And we think we have mitigated this issue for most people. To try to nail this down we invited a group of people with the issue to try out an internal build, after lots of tweaks, downloads and fixes. Everyone in the test group was able to join and play the game. 

Smaller but also important stuff

Graphical Changes 
  1. Removed collision on small objects that players could get stuck on 
  2. Added collision on trees that did'nt have collision 
  3. Further balancing of item spawn time- and rate 
  4. Optimized render distance, culling and shadows on objects far away

Gameplay Changes/Fixes 
  1. Zombies keep quiet after dying, and their different sounds are better intertwined. 
  2. First Person / Third Person reload / etc issues fixed 
  3. No more crazy camera upon death 
  4. You can now use "Y" for VOIP as well

Optimisation Changes 
  1. Major cleanout of PhysX actions of zombies & players, much smaller workload for the CPU. 
  2. Aggressive distance culling of unseen objects, less GPU workload. 
  3. Proper distance culling of players and zombies 
  4. Amount of objects in the world minimized and put together into fewer but larger objects, easier for occlusion. 
  5. As a result of a cleaner world, loading times not as long 
  6. Previous login fails caused by Steam Connection Timeout, prolonged timeout threshold to allow more people in and hopefully no more connection issues. 
  7. Culling of smaller objects improved 
  8. Disabled distance field shadows on smaller objects that never cast visible shadows anyway

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